Moments, Monuments and Memories :
A Hong Kong Story

Dec 1 - 20, 2021
at Grotto SKW

(Viewing by appointment:


Barbara CHOI Tak-yee, Bouie CHOI Yuk-kuen, CHU Hing-wah, Argus FONG Tsz-Leong, HUNG Hoi, HUNG Fai
Joey LEUNG Ka-yin, SHUM Kwan-yi, WAI Pong-yu, Wenda YIU Tung-wing, Wilson SHIEH, WONG Yee-ki

蔡德怡, 蔡鈺娟, 朱興華, 方梓亮, 熊海, 熊輝, 梁嘉賢, 沈君怡, 韋邦雨, 姚冬穎, 石家豪, 黃綺琪

Hong Kong is a city of transient permanence. A concrete jungle that is feeble and constantly changing. And such transformation takes place daily. What appears to last simply evolves into the next phase. Moments which we treasure are engraved into monuments only to turn into our memories.

This exhibition features a group of Hong Kong artists who explore the various icons, symbolism and landmarks that define the city’s existence. They tell a Hong Kong story that we all want to cherish, pause and relish.